Five Nights at Thomas's Rerailed: The Collection

16 hours ago

On Thursday, ‎8. ‎February ‎2024 the first attempt of reviving the rerailed trilogy was made.

it ended up quickly being cancelled due to lack of motivation. (read article)

This revival would've been called "The Rerailed Trilogy" and would have been remakes of the original 3 games, excluding the 4th cancelled one I wanted to make. They would have been divided into "acts" similar to the tubbyland archives. I really like the style I was going for (aside from the generic lighting), it's simple but still nice to look at without being too complex.

final office:


early wip of office:


Cam 1:


Concept art of cam 3 was made but nothing was started:


There is no concept art of cam 1.

A gamepage was made for the first act, which still exists but there isnt much to talk about so I'll just let you see it.


not much was made aside from the office, cam 1, gamepage & gameplay doc.

I can't say I'm too sad this series didn't end up happening as the gameplay is... alright, it's not bad but all I'll say is our classic "watch him on the cams!" of sorts mechanic would've appeared here in a specific way.

I won't spoil anymore of the gameplay though as there are somethings in it that I actually still really like and will definitely reuse if I ever pick up the rerailed series again

Map & Office Concept art:


That's all for now, hope you found that interesting



Next up

a epic game just released, usually I dont do this but I really recommend you give it a try!

Another Generic Fredbear Game - Devlog #1

hmm, I wonder.

guys, i think something is wrong with my fnati

Announcing: Another Generic Fredbear Game

Summer of the Twenty One-


#Fnaf #fangame

Report bugs if encountered.

Happy 10th trtf anniversary! it's so crazy this series is basically as old as fnaf itself now.

I don't have much to say other then I'm glad it was part of my childhood & will continue to love this epic series no matter what.

Quick Review of: Summer of the Twenty One

okay hopfully I fixed the problem where some people couldnt download it, I unpacked the game so that it is now in a zipped folder.

hope it works and if it does, enjoy