3 days ago

Once more I am doing a Discord server!

As I have gained more followers I now feel it is the right time to make a Discord server as there will likely be more than just 2 people in it this time!! Who wants to join!?!?!?!?!?


this one will probably not be deleted this time!!

This server is where I will be doing most of my polls as well as smaller announcement posts! Join if u wish to obtain more info on my games and get the ability to determine some content that will be added to them!!



Next up

duhhhh I'm just gonna release the demo now

Notes about the upcoming enhanced build of the demo

duhhh uhhhh ignore the uhhh game page I put up earlier!

erm, mom! i just beat the first level!!


grug post 12


this is me rn

I had a schizophrenic episode while coding the final area of the demo so expect great things!!

let me cook