2 months ago

One Day Later: My Opinion On The Trailer:

(warning a lot of texts and yapping from me so yeah..i warned ya and also dont be a dick cuz i have a different opinion then you alr?)

i have a lot to say like a lot well first to start with the opening


i think it genuinely looks amazing like wow there is a lot of detail put in

then the human characters show up and im not a huge fan of the life action part like basically everyone else on this planet but i think it will be fine (i hope so) but...then we see this monstrosity


put it out of its misery

i swear im gonna have nightmares about this *sheep* its just the teeth and eyes like NO :<


on a much better note the piglins and ghasts look really well yes it is a little weird but i think i got used to it i love how they are using the ghasts as transportation and also the ghasts look extremely depressed they sure dont like it .w.


*average 13 year old pfp: im the lone wolf so sigma*

this looks really epic there is a reason this is the thumbnail for the official video


we can see the garbage man doin some crafting and im sure you can see that this definitely isnt a recipe that is in minecraft it looks like 2 water buckets on a chain i wonder how it is gonna be used but also you can see a lot of stuff in the background like the tnt and diamond helmet and fireworks


why is it so small??? like yeah in minecraft they are smaller but this is like an atom size it just seems a little weird but yeah just a little nitpick thats all


another shot of the piglins but if you look closely in the background you can see two signs one says steve`s lava chicken and the other i think says the exploding pig



i heard many people dont like the creeper look but i think it looks amazing its my favourite model so far this is what i would imagine a realistic creeper looking like and not a lizard with scales or something like that


there he is...the man...the legend the STEVE BLACK in all of his glory

it does seem like they just put jack black in a blue shirt which yeah isnt good but its jack black i have hopes he will do good

is he....steve?


yep this looks peak i love it


the Llama is my second favourite model in here and it looks like what i would imagine a minecraft Llama looking like if it was realistic..so a Llama


ending thoughts: it looks fine i dont like the life action part but the CGI looks great..aside the *sheep* abomination part and i love how the background and all of that looks its absolutely beautiful i feel like this has grown on me a lot but its still far to soon to call it good or bad we will have to see more footage cuz this is still just a teaser and not a trailer (atleast warner brothers refers to it as a teaser so it is a teaser) i know a lot of people have been calling this like the ugly sonic situation and calling that warner bros have to fix this but like that is not possible with sonic it was one model with this they would have to fix a LOT of stuff for people to be more happy with it and this movie has been in the works since 2014 of course it looks different from what it was originally but yeah development hell so i dont think we are gonna get much maybe they will change some little stuff who knows but i do know a lot of people hate this movie already which i can understand everyone has opinions and opinions can change a lot some people think its bad but then a new trailer can come out and then some people will think its good its just how stuff happens but hopefully my optimism is right

we can only pray that its not gonna be bad



Next up

*Human...im sorry for what im about to do*

le e t

Canon and Fanon just Chillin :3

heyy @Everyone its me FD im really nervous but also excited to say this but im coming out as Trans yaya ^w^

its been a really hard decision for me but im glad i finally did it

(art is by @SilverRoseArtVoiceActingMusic thank you so much :>)

hey guys

hiya all so ive been waiting a long time to say this but im coming out as bisexual yaya :>

(art by @SilverRoseArtVoiceActingMusic :>)

BOO :3


Hiya all FD here the time has came and im ready to announce im now doing commisions for my stuff all of the prices and what not in here


What The Heaven Happened To The Wii U Gamepad???