The Shadows Events Chapter 1 (Hiatus)
4 months ago

One day when the Shadows events chapter 1 will be released what will you do? 🤔

  22 votes Voting finished



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welp, i'm starting, i'm feeling anxious now

Btw here's the map, tell me if you think it can go well or needs a small change or needs some extra room

ok i think i can say the map is actually finished

the purple rooms are just for background purpose

the green ones are the vents

aaaand in total the cam buttons will be 14/15 (which is funny since the enemies are 15)

ok so, i done the main aspect of the room, now into the shading and the rest of the cams, this is gonna be a nightmare (also thanks @Sorewashington for the help)

Blender Sgro Animatronic model (by me), original look and idea of sgro by @Mister_S_Gabriel

Holly s#it! Never had this many votes and also without a no vote, mind blowing

i'm really not sure how i can do it, it's really difficult.

since yesterday night i'm trying to figure out a way to make it dark, can somebody help me (who knows how to use turbowarp) to shade this hallway?

Beta Xox model in blender! Design and that art was made by @Mister_S_Gabriel , the model is by me

ok, i can understand why you want the shadow events done, just remember to be pantient, cause most of the times i do things by myself and my mental healt sometimes can be unstable, however here's a sketch of Golden Makaritan new design, hope ya like it