The Shadows Events Chapter 1 (Hiatus)

2 months ago

ok, i can understand why you want the shadow events done, just remember to be pantient, cause most of the times i do things by myself and my mental healt sometimes can be unstable, however here's a sketch of Golden Makaritan new design, hope ya like it



Next up

beware the puppeteer Shasrill!

ok i think i can say the map is actually finished

the purple rooms are just for background purpose

the green ones are the vents

aaaand in total the cam buttons will be 14/15 (which is funny since the enemies are 15)

i honestly want to restart working on the game (cause i'm still using this old crappy pc) but i'll still need general help cause i lost some people, if you wanna help be sure to be +16 years old and not younger (at least some of you can keep me in check)

codebombs go brrrrrrrrrrrr

Holly s#it! Never had this many votes and also without a no vote, mind blowing

what ya'll think?

Btw here's the map, tell me if you think it can go well or needs a small change or needs some extra room

it may be a sketch, but honestly Philip Priz face doesn't look that bad, at least looks more human (kinda)

Here it comes Sharky, the fastest Sharkan Jester!

I'm not very sure, but i believe this is the first time i receive lots of "happy spawnday" haha, thanks you so much guys