Alrighty so I was about to begin work on 1.5 (as I've already finished a ton of the renders) but there were a few tweaks I wanted to make and I figured I'll just get that out of the way and not make yall wait. Cuz they're pretty small.
I've recoded the Death Countdown thing. Something I learned a bit ago was that it takes 10 frames to close the door. Meaning an animatronic could get in within those 10 frames and it would seem like you closed the door in time and they still killed you. Yeah not anymore. And it's very dreadful when you're too late.
The Audio Lure will no longer work if Springtrap is in that same room. I used to allow it if the room was big, but not anymore. Lol.
Changed the sound Springtrap makes in the Kitchen cuz I think this one makes more sense.
Removed the Foxy Warn Head thing from the Kitchen so there's absolutely no visual there.
A few bug fixes
Onto the big 1.5 update! Speaking of, I didn't reveal much but I did drop some bombshells on my birthday announcement stream!! Check it out here! (Timestamps are provided)
P.S.- I hid one MAJOR reveal somewhere in my birthday drops. But I'm confident yall will never find it. L