Undertale: Brave Beginnings

1 month ago

April 2024- Let's Be Friends!

Hey, I'm back! And I have some big stuff to show.

I'm proud to announce that UTBB's pacifist route has been fully written and fleshed out! With Geno being 20% done. I plan to flesh out the neutral routes after Geno/NM & Pacifist are completed. The Geno/NM script is taking longer due to me wanting to incorporate a more meta & darker tone while still fitting it in the Undertale Universe. I've had to cut somethings due to it being to dark or just not making much sense. Maybe I'll show some of is on a later date.


I've also had the Original Ruins implemented into the game right before it separates to a more larger part of them. My plan is for the player to explore not just the Ruins but the center capital located in the ruins.


This area to be precise!

This does mean that progress will be a little slow since I have to start making tile sets & backgrounds for the game, but don't worry, I'm actively experimenting with backgrounds & environments with concept art that will be posted. . . Sometime in the future! I'm not good with setting dates.

I've recently gotten FL studio and has been learning how to use it. Sadly, I've hadn't gotten much luck. Music is a whole different area for me since I've only ever stuck to writing, coding, & drawing. But even so I will figure it out and make sure to put my best effort into it!

Like I've said, I've implemented the rooms for the Ruins & I've finished the coding for basic player movements. I've completed Valor's walking animations and finished the script for them in the games code.

Like I said before, I just have to start making my own tile sets & backgrounds. And also get to work on the battle UI. Speaking if battles!

I'm currently in the works of making enemies to fight in the game. Sadly, this is only in the concept art stage and I feel like I want to make some more before sharing them publicly. I've only worked on main & supporting cast members up till now so this part is relatively new.

I'm proud to announce that UTBB has an official Tumblr page! Feel free to ask anything! As longs as it's not mean, disrespectful, political, or threatening. Dev logs will also be posted on there along side Gamejolt.

Tumblr Page:

Again, as a Warning: This game carries heavy themes regarding the main protagonist such as Suicide, Self harm, mental health, & parental neglect. If you are uncomfortable with any of theses topics then kindly please leave.

Just like in Undertale (And i guess Deltarune?) there will be LGBTQ+ themes in UTBB involving two of the main cast members. There will also be gender-neutral, & genderfluid characters in the main cast & supporting cast.

This all I really have for now. Since I couldn't figure out how to put a full length video in an article/dev log, I plan to post footage of the game on my Profile once I have them ready. I really want to show more on what've done but sadly, things must remain a mystery until its time to reveal them. I'm still learning as a game dev & as an artist but I hope to one day show all of you just how much I've put into this game other than some long paragraph. Thank you all for being patient with me & I hope you have a wonderful day/after-noon/evening/night. Take care

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Next up

This was my horrible attempt at drawing Sans. I hate it so much

Found this on pinterest. Choose!!!

🕹️ Enter The Highrise Game Jam Before It Ends On May 5! 🕹️

Learn the rules here:

Learn how to make a world on Highrise (which you MUST do to enter the jam) here:…

The jam has cash prizes! 💸💸💸

Little head cannon/concept idea that probably won't be explained in game. The premise is that the humans eye color changes to match their soul color when passing through the barrier. I loved this idea & decided to use it for UTBB

Happy #WIPWednesday!

Are you working on a game? A song? Something else? Tell us in the comments!

*Huh? Look at that, She was chosen. Interesting.

He's animated now

What's this? A new character!?!?!

Let me introduce: Silver ! (The better one/j)