3 years ago

Our Coverage Bot just casually doing its thing — it's all looking pretty well!

If you have a game coming out soon (and can spare a few bucks), fire over a message! It tracks your mentions all over games media.

#gamedev #marketingtools #buildinpublic



Next up

Revisiting & recording my talk I gave at GameDevDays Graz last year - "All Things Game Feel" - for YouTube. I'll post back here when it's done! In the mean time: subscribe on YT maybe? x


#gamefeel #gamedev #tips

The Manifesto of Value An in-house philosophy, a formalisation of how we approach what we do.

Knee Deep: A Swamp Noir in Three Acts

Saving the Lost Ones, a cage at a time 👻

Another visualisation from my "Stairs" prototype - switched the colours up this time for extra psychedelia!

Game link: https://gamejolt.com/games/stairs/455126

#psychedelic #visualisation #action #twitch #rotation #minimal #gamedev

Short video on the progress of our game♥

Mashed! A buggy, broken, seemingly unfinished game that we're completely obsessed with.

NEW! I've started editing the first video in my indie game #devlog series. All will be revealed soon! (Tiny secret on what it's about hidden in the image!) https://www.youtube.com/forceofhabit

GDC 2015: Judging the Big Indie Pitch