Outertale: Peaceful Mode
15 days ago

Outertale: Peaceful Mode has been updated alongside the non-peaceful version of the game.

Now you can enjoy your time in this world without worrying about any memory issues <3


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@Tenbrooks gotta love it when this happens

btw the song for 100% completion, was ihatov_x86

Due to Gamejolt sucking really bad, I can't finish the upload of 5.04. I tried yesterday and today, and it still broken. This update fixes that new chaotic route bug introduced in 5.03.

If you want this update, go here:


tell your friends AND foes!! (art by @NerNot1 )

No script progress yesterday, but sprites for 3 of 5 story characters in the first area are done or nearly done, and also, the first room is mostly done too!

In-game, the overworld/characters will be tinted a darker color, forgive the high contrast here


I've got the help I need -- at least for now -- to make the game's character sprites. Thanks to those who agreed to help!

just kidding heres the real 2000 follower special

(he made it even better)

To whomever it may concerneth

At last, it's time for the 2,000 follower special!

A reveal of the final artwork used for the Napstablook chill cutscene, drawn by @NerNot1

Thank you everyone for following the game!

can you believe it guys