My "Secrets of Dyrt" game is undergoing a big overhaul....
Loads of things will remain the same, and loads of things won't.
A completely new engine based on .NET has been set up for it, and the game itself has been entirely programmed in NIL:
There's still a lot of work to be done, but you can already see I gave the game a layout similar to Star Story and The Fairy Tale REVAMPED, and the game can auto-adept between small and big monitors. Something I had to do to make this possible was to make a dynamic arena, but the plus is (and my earlier games couldn't do that), the trees and clouds will at the start of each battle be at a different position, causing a bit of the illusion Irravonia was actually traveling and not returning to the same spot to battle all the time. It also saves diskspace, but given the space the music takes up, that may not be the most valid argument out there (for that reason the .NET version will like its predecessor be release WITH and WITHOUT music for this reason).