26 days ago

Participation rules:

1. Follow me

2. Choose a clear picture with your OC

3. Type where you want "For example, like 1-A"

4. Your character can be human or a human-like creature

That's all, all you have to do is write it in the comments.



Next up

I guess this is the right way👍

Participation rules:

1. Follow me

2. Choose a clear picture with your OC

3. Type where you want "For example, like 1-A"

4. Your character can be human or a human-like creature

5. No furry pls

That's all, all you have to do is write it in the comments.

Participation rules:

1. Follow me

2. Choose a clear picture with your OC

3. Type where you want "For example, like 1-A"

4. Your character can be human or a human-like creature

5. No furry pls

That's all, all you have to do is write it in the comments.

Rebooted. [READ ARTICLE]

My OC's fnf icon but in my style👍

Here's the full 3 btw, since it's revealed. Models are by me and I've always wanted to show these too lmao

Leon X squad busters

What do you think of the Leon x squad busters version I designed?

The importance of perspective👌

weee art trade with @GealachArts !! ☕ I really enjoyed drawing her OC :D

Hero inside but my version👍