Five Nights at Sonic's World / FNaS World: 2.0 Update (Unofficial)
19 days ago

Patch 1.5.2 released.

I'm tired, boss.



Next up

Happy Valentine's day!

Let's make an interactive post, send your favorite FNaS characters from game order:

FNaS 1, FNaS 2, FNaS 3, FNaS 4, FNaS 5, Extra

The extra slot is to put characters from non-canon/spin off games.

So, how's everyone enjoying the emergency update?

How has been your experience revisiting FNaS World?

Here's some characters reveal for post-release conte- Wait, why its pitch black? Well, you gotta have to find this one yourself.

Five Nights at Sonic's found media???? (read article) #fnas

Patch 1.5.3 released.

Patch 1.5.4 released.

Patch 1.5.5 released.

Quick update / 1.5.0 released.

Quick announcement.