FNaF World: Fixed

5 months ago

Patch notes

  • Party selection

    • Changed Spring Bonnie's name from "Springbonnie" to "Spring Bonnie" (bug reported by @DrKoriacz );

    • The 'select 8 party members first' text now isn't visible at all times (bug reported by @DrKoriacz ).

  • Overworld

    • The endos from endo army now reset if the attack is chosen while one army is already active (bug found by @DrKoriacz );

    • Before, locks couldn't be unlocked while the map was visible. This has been patched (bug found by @DrKoriacz );

    • The game now has better layering (some bugs found by @DrKoriacz );

    • Bosses with movement now can't be triggered right after defeating them (bug found by @DrKoriacz );

    • The 'jump' text now doesn't disappear after some encounters (bug found by @DrKoriacz );

    • Patched a bug where sometimes bytes would stop working in boss fights and the boss couldn't attack (bug found by @DrKoriacz );

    • Patched a bug where freddles that came from the 'freddle: fury' would be unable to hit enemies (bug found by @DrKoriacz and @foolishengine );

    • Patched a bug where gift boxes could be invisible but still work as intended (bug found by @DrKoriacz );

    • The sequence of reaching the end game, talking to the desk man and unlocking halloween land has all been patched (bug found by @DrKoriacz );

    • The 'alarm' move now doesn't destroy the shield from 'auto: shield' (bug found by @foolishengine );

    • Restored a function where the screen would shake when enemies took damage;

    • The enemy's 'waterhouse' move now works properly;

    • The 'esc key' move now properly covers the whole screen.

  • Options

    • The saturation value now properly carries over frames.



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2.2.4 Patch notes

2.2.0a Patch notes

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2.3.1 Patch notes

2.2.5 Patch notes

2.2.3 Patch notes

2.3.0 Patch notes

2.2.1 Patch notes

2.3.2 Patch notes

2.2.2 Patch notes