FNaF World: Fixed

5 months ago

Patch notes

Turns out I was very wrong about 1.3 being the last version of this project, thankfully. After playing for the build for a bit more i could find some insane slipups that I finally patched.

I don't want to make the same mistake again and call 1.4 the definitive version, but I think it's close.

Anyway, here are the patch notes. There's a lot of it too. Hopefully the next versions will only be small updates!

  • General

    • Custom fonts are now embedded, making visuals consistent for everyone.

  • Party creation

    • Added a feature where the background reflects the area last explored in that save file;

    • Removed all lag spikes.

  • Overworld

    • The 'Gloom balloon' move now doesn't repeat its guitar riff sound effect;

    • The 'Eye beam' move and the fan's lasers would not hit enemies if they were too close to the shooter. This is now fixed;

    • After leaving Lolbit's shop, the bytes menu is now correctly displayed if an item has been bought;

    • Party members now do not respawn after switching teams;

    • Munchies now drop closer to bosses, preventing it to go offscreen against the taller ones;

    • Munchies now actually spawn off the screen, instead of appearing out of nowhere;

    • The 'Bash jam' attack has its notes visual effect fixed for when the attack is used repeatedly in quick succession;

    • The 'Sludge' move visual effect now has layering;

    • Fixed yet another bug where being jumpscared would cause the current party to freeze;

    • The parties now have their poison effect reset when a battle ends;

    • The 'stat down' enemy visual effect now properly shows the correct sprite;

    • Enemy debuffs now have their timer fixed;

    • Patched enemies being able to be hurt by their own 'Hot cheese' move;

    • The enemy's 'Hot cheese' move is now closer to the party;

    • The comets now actually damage enemies.

    • 'Mega virus' now gets properly reset after every battle;

    • The endo army laser now properly damages enemies;

    • Restored the 'Neon wall' move;

    • Fixed the layering of gift boxes;

    • Restored a detail where characters would recover their full HP upon leveling up;

    • Patched mimic ball not reseting after battles;

    • Patched the 'Auto: mimic' chip not working;

    • Fixed balloons sometimes not hitting their target;

    • Fixed mimic ball's replicated attack sometimes not hitting their target;

    • Fixed Fredbear's dialogue in Lilygear Lake and Blacktomb Yard;

    • Patched enemies being able to spawn in the same spot after a challenger battle;

    • Fixed the entire clock ending;

    • Restored the fan trophy;

    • Restored the seagoon boss;

    • Supergoon is now properly invisible in the overworld;

    • A tent in Pinwheel Funhouse didn't have its teleport location properly set, this has been fixed;

    • The area name and key would disappear upon leaving a battle. This has been patched;

    • The inverted world enemies now have their normal sprite;

    • The glitched visual effect in Pinwheel Funhouse is now fully restored;

    • Fixed an oversight where the player could save in the inverted world;

    • The subworld entrances now have their correct sprite;

    • Finally restored the fan and pearl bytes;

    • Music volume has been repaired. Before, the game music would become silent whenever facing a challenger;

    • The 'Rainy day' and 'Rainy day 2' moves could before sometimes block other attacks from being performed. This has been removed.

  • Loading

    • Patched the loading screen not being visible in fullscreen mode.

  • Loadout

    • Added an option to select/unselect the extra bytes (pearl and fan).

  • Shop

    • The shopkeeper now is shown with the correct sprite for each shop;

    • The shop objects were global objects, meaning their values would be saved after leaving shops and cause many inconsistencies. This is now patched.

  • Options

    • Added a 'Screen shake' and 'Screen flashes' toggles;

    • Added a saturation slider;

    • Slight redesign of the UI.



Next up

2.2.5 Patch notes

2.2.0a Patch notes

2.2.3 Patch notes

2.2.4 Patch notes

2.3.1 Patch notes

2.3.0 Patch notes

2.3.4 Patch notes

2.2.2 Patch notes

2.3.2 Patch notes

2.2.1 Patch notes