This version fixes some very specific issues and game breaking bugs. For the next version, I'm considering adding better user interaction (like adding a pause menu, using different saves than the vanilla game, etc).
But for now, these are the quick fixes.
The "block: unscrew" chip was inaccessible. This has been patched (bug reported by @osirismoon
Fixed an oversight where the player could get stuck if exiting after a battle in the glitched world (bug reported by @osirismoon
Some general layering issues have been fixed while in the glitched world;
The switch party button would before still be visible even if the other party is gone;
The damage system for enemies and party members has been revamped. This fixes attacks not dealing any damage;
Fixed the switch party button not working sometimes after using gift boxes (bug reported by @osirismoon
After defeating a challenger, all enemies in future fights would start to stack on top of each other. This has been fixed (bug reported by @osirismoon
Fixed a bug where the bytes menu would load in parts as the chips menu (bug reported by @osirismoon
Settings are now properly loaded when booting up the game;
Added a 'reduce effects' toggle (suggested by @osirismoon
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