Five Nights at Mousy's - The Cycle
4 years ago

Patch v.1.1.1 - Nights

Hello guys, this patch 1.1.1 is a little update, fixes 2 bugs and changes one thing.

Bug Fix:

  1. Fixed a glitch that made you come back for other night if you play a night by the night selector (For example, if you are in night 5 but want to play night 3 again, when you beat night 3, the game would make you come back to night 4).

  2. Fixed a glitch that would make you be stuck in the game win screen after beating the game if you play other night.


  1. To prevent glitches involving night from happening again, now the night selector is only accessible after you beat the game.



Next up

Strategy Teaser 5

Long time no see! Are you ready for FUN?

Old faces, new threats

So let's end this suspense and officially announce Mousy's Chapter 2 and telling some informations

I almost lost the day, but I got there in time. Happy 5th birthday, Mousy!

Mousy's Cold Custom Night is finally released!

Sorry, it was delayed only for a few days but it will still be this week, now tell me, what was the most BIZARRE of your nightmares?

Strategy Teaser 4

Back to active! (Please read the article)

Strategy Teaser 3