Further fixed the issue some computers were having where the game's text would scroll by incredibly slow, especially with commas or periods. While it may not run perfectly on every type of computer, this release should be a lot more stable and playable.
This is a fix for the last patch I published a few weeks ago. Somehow, I missed fixing the overworld event script, so the above optimizations did not apply to text you would read while in the overworld. Sorry for the inconvenience, this issue has been a hard one to fix for a couple reasons... 1) Simply put, my coding has improved a lot since I've worked on Underplants, so the code for it is not as optimized as it could be, making it a lot harder to navigate and more complicated to work on retroactively. And 2) This issue only seems to effect some types of computers, and thus I cannot replicate the glitch on any computer I own. So, while I am pretty confident I have fixed the issue, I cannot test if it works on my own.
Thanks for understanding, that's all for the patch notes. Be sure to check out the new videos on the Youtube channel if you haven't already!