Five Nights At Wario's: Nightmarish Mess
5 months ago

Paused (kinda)

For now, i am deciding to pause development on this game, i will still get small things done but no big progress, i am going through a lot of stuff in real life which has taken a toll on my mental health, no this game is not canceled, i have not lost motivation for it and i am still passionate about it however, i have been pretty much coding in clickteam every single day which has now lead me to realize that i need an actual break, this break will be short so don't worry, shouldn't be longer than a few weeks but still, i have been going through lots of shit irl, family issues, bullying etc, and i can't really make games alongside all of those things happening, i will come back in a few weeks when i figure shart out, i will still try to get small things done for the game but no actual coding, until then peace out y'all.



Next up

How @gamejolt feels after friending everybody just for a quest

im starting to slowly get the hang of the modkit for hello neighbor, dont mind that project name its a place holder also nintendo switch 2 is actually happening huh?

not that excited, considering that i wont be able to get it here in iran.

Just Realized That The Game Does Not Even Have An Icon, So Here It Is Lmao

my funni art for five nights at freddy's 8th anniversary!!!

I Managed To Find A Niko Bellic Brawlbox Model, I Don't Know What Im Gonna Do With It Besides Making Some Renders.

The massive Five Nights at Wario's Direct will premiere this monday!! More info in the image attached <3 Spread the word!

we are making progress on this game i promise


Chapter 2 Remastered

Progress is going good, pretty safe to say that this game is 50 percent finished.