For now, i am deciding to pause development on this game, i will still get small things done but no big progress, i am going through a lot of stuff in real life which has taken a toll on my mental health, no this game is not canceled, i have not lost motivation for it and i am still passionate about it however, i have been pretty much coding in clickteam every single day which has now lead me to realize that i need an actual break, this break will be short so don't worry, shouldn't be longer than a few weeks but still, i have been going through lots of shit irl, family issues, bullying etc, and i can't really make games alongside all of those things happening, i will come back in a few weeks when i figure shart out, i will still try to get small things done for the game but no actual coding, until then peace out y'all.
Next up
How @gamejolt feels after friending everybody just for a quest
Just Realized That The Game Does Not Even Have An Icon, So Here It Is Lmao
my funni art for five nights at freddy's 8th anniversary!!!
I Managed To Find A Niko Bellic Brawlbox Model, I Don't Know What Im Gonna Do With It Besides Making Some Renders.
The massive Five Nights at Wario's Direct will premiere this monday!! More info in the image attached <3 Spread the word!
we are making progress on this game i promise
Chapter 2 Remastered
Progress is going good, pretty safe to say that this game is 50 percent finished.