Steve's: Aftermath
10 months ago

Pausing Steve’s: Aftermath

I got a different version of Clickteam Fusion and now the effects are giving trouble. Until I figure out a way to fix things I’m going back to FNAS: HE.



Next up

Stay Vigilant

By the way, here is a map I drew a few years back for an alleged Five Nights at Steve’s game

Every shadow is a caution.

Made a thing

This post is to let everyone know progress has been going great, I'll be making a devlog about it very soon!

Very random content, but this is a painting that I did

This Comes From Inside.

Updated menu! I had thought about making the game in Gamemaker instead of Clickteam, but I decided against it after trying event coding. So, I went back to Clickteam and pulled this together (with some help from a tutorial for one part)