5 days ago


itself is considered as the heaven itself, being a endless place of random sheningans due the amount of universal breaches in doomy's dominations, nothing much is knowed about this place

the place itself also seem to collect everysingle thing that mankind has seen (the image shows a carrier sentinel, used by the r00t for carry a considerable amount of units) yet the normally is resembled with a shiny days, but something is just

blue sky


sporunes has been barely spotted here and all cases were just for visit

nobody knows what the true mean of peace and happiness

but at the end

happiness has to be fought for...



Next up

i cant belive you this shit

low efforted

theme that i used in article

first try

Fanart of WORMBOY on minitoon!


''i want to do this

but also want to mock the 2 communities''

is this stupid enough?

She loves playing Dandy’s World. :3


still saying that i could belive you if you say he twitched his dick accidentally
