One Night with Nafanya's 1: Начало Кошмара

4 months ago

Первый патч на подходе

First patch incoming



Next up

This boi have almost 300 followers! Go & follow him!🍷

(Thnx for following, bro @NiceBoyOfficial)

Рэтти постиралась случайно

So I changed the color of the walls and added a roof.

Ну разве не няшка?❤️

Managed to create my own Patreon page for people who are interested into support me financially with recieving exclusive benefits that are not available for GJ followers. Mainly only a very simple tier, but i will soon update it with enhancements :)


Кто вспомнит?

I'm updating the endo for the Toy's, what do you all think?

Пацаны и Пацантрессы! Я уже выпустил первый билд новой обновы игры на странице. Игру теперь можно скачать не только с Pocket Code(увы, игра есть только на мобилках)