???: Oh, didn't expect to see you here. What are you doing?
????: Oh hey boss. Just reading back the files we had on the worlds we've studied
???: Is that... FBEQ-001?
????: Yes. That world was seriously one of our most bizarre cases.
???: Well I cannot deny that. By the way why is the data corrupted in the later parts of the file?
????: Probably had something to do with that server outage we had a couple days ago.
???: Oh right.
????: Yeah we should REALLY upgrade our servers here. It's always so.. finnicky
???: Perhaps we should
????: Hm? Hold on boss, I'm getting a visual reading from... FBEQ-001?
???: After all this time?
????: Yes. I'm putting it up on the screen now.

????: It's one of those... Cupcake creatures. Only... it's holding a lot of gold?
???: Now that's something ain't it
????: There might be more of these incoming. I'll put them up once I've received them.
???: Please do.