2 years ago

Плохие новости для игры

Bad news for the game

Сегодня нам позвонили Наши соседи и сказали что в наш дом (10 этажный) рилетела ракета умерло 6 человк и 35 сильно пострадало а также уже можно понять что компьютер на котором была моя игра тоже взорвался К сожалению с собой я его взять не мог потому что мы ехали на маленькой машинке в которой было целых 9 человек и 3 в багажнике сидело поэтому возможно lol выйдет в начале зимы:(

Today we got a call from our neighbors and said that in our house (10 storey) riletela rocket died 6 people and 35 were badly injured and also you can already understand that the computer on which my game was also exploded Unfortunately I could not take it with me because we were driving a small car in which there were as many as 9 people and 3 in the trunk sat so maybe lol will come out at the beginning of winter :(



Next up

First fnaf fan game on ps3:)

Тест меню

Menu Test

Спасибо за поддержку:)

Thanks for the support :)

Happy Video Game Day! 🎮

Celebrate by completing our quests!

(They'll be in your quest log until September 19th.)

i'm still making a game

@GabrieleGiuseppini has added exclusive Floating Sandbox avatar frames, stickers, and backgrounds for all of you!

Set sail to the shop and collect 'em all!



It's possible....

Слив нового меню игры

Merge the new game menu

Happy #WIPWednesday!

Are you working on a game?

Making some art?

Practicing a song?

Something else?

Tell us in the comments!

Концепт защиты от вируса!!в будущем все будет красивее и плавнее!!

The concept of protection against the virus!! in the future everything will be more beautiful and smoother!!