One Night with Nafanya's: Nightmare Collection

1 month ago

Пока пусть побудет тирлист, потом я добавлю арт сюда!

I'll leave this tierlist here, before i'll add an art!



#MostHyped если честно.....ничё. Я был крайне разочарован данной "FNaF Неделей", да и по сути кроме Into The Pit и демки TJoC'а ничё крутого мы и не получили на мой взгляд(можете высказаться об этом в комментах)

#HowIFoundFNaF долгая история, потом напишу....


#MostHyped tbh.....nothing. I was really disappointed by this FNaF week, where besides really incredible Into the Pit & TJoC demo....I wasn't actually appreciated by anything we got(we can discuss this thing in comments, if you want)

#HowIFoundFNaF long story, i'll tell it later....



Next up

@Aylinthebunns I FREAKIN LOVE IT, THANX❤️😊

(That means a lot to me, sis)


A small teaser for upcoming project

virus j chapter 2 teaser trailer

Best dynamic duo of business tycoons in history!

10 Years At Freddy¨s

Happy Birthday Undertale
