6 years ago

Polishing up the combat system!

Short update from me today! This last week has had me polishing up the weapon system.


Combat has always been something I have struggled to get right, and it has frustrated me. However, after doing some thinking, many of the problems boiled down to the visual feel of the combat. This is mostly in reference to the animations and effects during combat.


I finally grabbed the bull by its horns and decided to learn how to animate in Spine. This was mostly to offload some of the work from our artist and also to give me an opportunity to setup the animations exactly how I wanted them, which ultimately makes it easier to program!


So far, i’m rather happy with the results. There is still work to be done, especially with regard to how mobs interact with the player, however the player itself and NPCs are starting to feel a lot better!

We are currently investigating what other combat styles and weapon options to integrate into the game. We want the system to have a bit of depth and also be interesting, however naturally we also do not want to be burdened by feature creep, especially as we are getting closer and closer to our ideal release target.

Cheers once again for all the followers, we’ll keep you posted. (Note there haven’t been any other updates for a few weeks due to a large amount of time having been spent on doing core engine optimisations and bug fixes that do not result in any practical change to the project, however much lower memory usage, performance increases and stability :))



Next up

World Map

The end of an era... 🦖☄️💥🔥

Who brought the marshmallows? 🔥🔥🔥

Improved lightning and thunderstorms! Longer video (with sound) here:

Into the Mines! - Medieval Mineshaft Generation

The Ol' Tavern - Medieval Age Town gen


Really happy with the results of new lighting system! :D

NPC Shops

Medieval Town - Generation progress