Shadows Awaken
1 year ago

Poll #2

The monster entities are all have been redesigned as many of y'all find the older ones to be goofy (at least some of them).

As for the stage characters, I never really received any negative criticisms of them, although looking back makes me want to redesign them as I believe they don't look as good as my current modelling skills.

I made this poll to know if you guys are interested to see a full redesign of the stage animatronic characters.

This poll will only be set to 24 hours.

  343 votes Voting finished



Next up

It's back in development!

Shadows Awaken | Teaser Video #1

GAME IS OUT NOW!!!! (Please read below)

Finna start doing animations for my boi 🔥

The Rat Cave is Cancelled


Whoever ends up to be the TOP SUPPORTERS will be getting early access to Shadows Awaken: Chapter 1 three days to a week prior to it's release! Goodluck working your way up there y'all!

watch out..

The malevolent force lurking within an alternate reality


Keep an eye out for an upcoming post