The Return to Pico's

25 days ago

Poor thing :(

Currently working on giga at the moment

Tera and Nano have been completed but I'm gonna keep the designs a surprise

Also there are two new characters that are going to be in the cast, but I'm also keeping them a surprise 😁



Next up

Forgot I had these

These are more drawings I did, but these from weeks ago that I never showed until now

Well lookie cookie, a game page

You know how I'm a lesbian right?

I have to admit this

I'm very lesbian a lot of the time

Around x10

Sorry that this is extremely weird, I just like being like this and being random too :3

Well holy snooparoni! I got some awesome news ^w^

I got a 1000 followers on Gamejolt!

Absolutely fantastic

All I want to say is, a big thank you to all my friends on gamejolt, scratch and other places and all my followers for the support I have gotten

Cute little bean :3

So small yet adorable ^w^

Got this from @Lizzy_Zebra who got it from somebody else

Thurman why ;-;

*This is a joke cuz Yee*

Hmmmm I just thought of something

Ok so I decided on what art style I'm gonna use for the game but it isn't the style most expected me to use from the now deleted poll

I'm going to be using a more unique cartoony art style for the game as I think it works for it's own thing

Here's a w.i.p of the characters on the menu as of right now

It also reveals the designs for Tera and Nano :)