POPGOES 2: The Dead Forest (REVIVAL) Tech Demo
2 years ago

POPGOES 2 Tech Demo Update 2

Hey everyone! I know you guys are probably wondering what's going on for the project, so I have a couple things to show off. First of all, let's show some cameras!

Here's Camera 3, where you'll probably be checking the most during your night.


And here's Epitome Popgoes chilling in Cam 3. Wonder where he's going...


Don't want to show off too much just yet, I still have stuff I wanna keep a surprise for later. Now, it's time for developmental screenshots!

Here's what I've been working on for the Menu UI. I think it's turning out pretty well. Still lots more work to do though!


Another UI screenshot! You'll find out what this is for later...


Again, still stuff I want to keep a secret for now. Don't worry, all will be revealed soon. So far though, this is all I have to show. So, let's talk a bit. Still currently programming the game, working through some bugs. And I'm not going to lie, the Menu is looking pretty good. Showed it to a couple of my friends and they were hyped. Though, don't expect it to look like the original, I feel that's more suited to the full game (if it ever comes out). So for the sake of this Tech Demo, it's going to have it's own menu screen! As for gameplay, still working on it. Running into more bugs and it's kind of getting on my nerves, but I'll work through it. I want to make the gameplay look good, not some half-a** piece of garbage. So I'm taking my time on it, making sure it's good, mechanics are polished, animations are good (which I will get to later), and the controls feel good and not janky. Once I have some proper gameplay programmed, you can be sure that I will be showing it off ASAP. And after working on the Menu, I think this demo is gonna be really, really good. So I'm taking my time to make sure it is. Hopefully you will all be patient with me while I do that, because I know this waiting sucks. Heck, I wish it was done NOW, but sadly work takes time. And with enough time, this game will be good. And if the Tech Demo does well, then there is a higher likelihood that the Full Game might be coming out as well. Anyways, enough with my rambling. Hope you all enjoyed this small devlog, and I'll see you in the next post.

Exo, signing off.

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What if though...

Hey Kane. This was revealed for POPGOES Reprinted, but I don't actually think this was ever explained. Could you possibly shed some light on when, where, and how this was going to be used?

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