More Dumb Nights at Blob's
9 months ago

posted a small update to the game with a few quality of life improvements, nothing major



Next up

taking a break from your regularly scheduled me to tell you all to go follow @mac_n_cheeseiscool . he's a supah dupah talented artist and friend of mine. he's almost at 400 followers. also go throw money in his face since he's started doing commissions

Creative Square Boi will sometimes appear on the cameras. Don't stare at him for too long!

yuor mom

happy birthday to me!

i apologize for the lack of updates lately, i've been super busy with stuff not pertaining to the game. i plan to make some big reveals very soon though, so keep an eye out! just wanted to make sure no one thought i died or something like that.

i would like to announce the addition of minecraft steak to the game's roster of characters

Next Level Photo Negative Blob will start in either Sector A or B. Listen for him to reach your hallway! If you hear him, shock the hallway without shining the flashlight. If you shine the light on him, he will kill you!

Development's slowed down a bit, but I've begun work on the first animated cutscene. Here's the first pass right now!

artwork in commemoration of nintendo defeating the transphobia allegations

The game's development is going great! All that is left is the main menu, and the jumpscares/Game Over. The gameplay is done, and the game should come out mid-February.