Hi guys I have fixed the problem in the program about one to two months ago (sorry for not saying this for a month ago I had some problems) Anyway I have a question to ask you guys do you want to make this chapter by chapter or just a full game?
If this is going to be a chapter by chapter game:
1) Faster Release
2) Less errors
3) Less Space/ The game will probably be less than 90 or 100MB
4) Cliffhangers (Well, not really.)
(But each chapter you’ll complete is equals to one captured heroine if you get the true ending of the chapter.)
If this is going to be a full game:
1) Slow Release (Really Slow)
2) More errors (Probably a lot of them)
3) More Space/ The game will probably be more than 200MB because the demo already took 54 or more MB
4) Full Story line
5) A lot of endings
6) A lot of work since I do this alone (Programming and editing. I get help with the story line.)
Please comment your answer.
Thank you