2 years ago

Problems with Nintendo

Nintendo online

Nintendo online is a big joke you trying to play splatoon 2 multiplayer screw it your playing loading simulator 2 its worse than Google stadia if you want to play online in smash bros first you got to wait 20 minutes for a round then when you get into the game the fps goes to 1 and you pay for it also if you want the expation pass then welcome to unput lag like super Mario 64 runs worse than on the 3d all star collection made for the Nintendo switch thats a joke? No its not oh ok oh I forgot to tell you Nintendo is some how richer than roblox and Activision blizzard king

the OG xbox and ps2 has better internet than the switch

Treatment of fans

Nintendo is know for taking fan projects and making there own years later like ar2m a remake of metroid 2 got shut down and a year later Nintendo made there official reboot for the 3ds in 2017 and so with mario onlie and online game which you race to the finish line/flag poll while opposing people could put stuff in your lane to stop you game got shut down and a year later Nintendo made there mario multiplayer know as super Mario 35 tons a tons of games got shut down and emulation sites to 20 year old games they dont make money anymore which makes me think about something

The big house ceast and dieast

Big house was a yearly completion against melee pros playing melee but in 2020 during the china virus they could not do in person so big house used an online emulator to play melee online as the original game had no online Nintendo took the event down in the mean time a splatoon torminment was happing and people where naming them selfs to #freemelee to show support to the melee and Nintendo like the five year olds they are cancelled the event so #freesplatoon2 happened then they was an unofficial event with bigger prize and the same people so looks like Nintendo lost this one

But the only thing I can say to Nintendo is this I love the games but not the company should casual people have Nintendo no ofc not should over people no

(I now I'm 2 year late but I was not on gamejolt at that time)



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Sounds fun:)

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Wario great announcement #GJAsks


Yep they has to be squid game 3 am happy meal videos🙄

Till the last millisecond.


@Gamejolt i already new you hid children in your basement