10 months ago

Profile updates

Freddy and friends:New episode will realese on 18 September or later cus of School problems and cus I am a bit lazy!

Cat's teasers:I will not make teasers for CATS cus they are 2d but the game will be 3d so yea!When Mr.Paws be done I will start make teasers for now no teasers for CATS!

Drawings:I will not post that much drawings cus I am currently focused on Cat's! Afcourse that do not means that I will not post drawings!

Vaske challange:well there's only two drawings of him so challange is cancelled!If u want to bring challange back post some drawings of Vaske(the guy on my PFP).

Main change:I will not post posts that much!Like I post 2,3 or 4 post a day well for now I will post 1 or 2 or maybe nothing a day!

Blender learning:It's going bad :(



Next up

Me when im sick

Muted Vaske....

He is goofy cool and cute sometimes.He is just perfect XD

Something about the eyes creeps me out.

Guys i beated fnaf help wanted and get platinum trophy on ps4!

I will start practising at digital art for sure

Mr.Paws 3d model uptade:



an amazing oc made by @EEXES

This hits kinda hard🔥