TS!UNDERSWAP [Undertale Fangame]

3 years ago

Progress Report - February 2022

Hey there!

Since February is already coming to a close, it's about time we do a progress report!

This month's devlog will discuss the progress we've made since January, showcase some new content and mechanics, and discuss the behind-the-scenes of certain things.

Before we start, though, we wanted to give a special thanks to our two newest members--EllisBros and TheMaximus! They've both been incredibly helpful since they've joined, and we really appreciate their hard work and contributions.

With that said, let's go ahead and start!

(...Seriously, how is it already the end of February??)

Brief Catch-Up!

In case you missed our January 2022 devlog, here's a quick recap!

We reported that a specific development roadblock had almost been cleared! We made great progress, nearly finishing its writing and starting on in-game implementation and experimentation with mechanics.

In terms of that month's general updates:

  • Writing -- We further developed some post-Koffin Keep plans, and wrote needed dialogue for certain sequences.

  • Battles -- Lesser Dog's battle was finished, and Greater Dog's battle was further developed. Concept art for needed attacks was made, and certain miniboss attacks were being prototyped with placeholder assets.

  • Environments -- More assets for Koffin Keep were created and implemented in-game, and text placeholders were added in-game to mark needed objects.

  • Soundtrack -- 19/28 planned tracks complete, with 4 nearing completion and 5 others ranging from early concepts to not yet started.

  • Koffin Keep -- Further developments were made using placeholder writing and assets, while implementing the area's objectives and progression.

  • Spep Mode -- It got worse.

As for everything else covered:

  • Your Name Is... -- We added the ability for players to change their name when resetting their SAVE file! No more digging in the files to delete your SAVE for this.

Progress Updates

That "certain development roadblock" has been (almost) completely implemented in-game!

For all intents and purposes, the Pacifist / Neutral variants are functionally complete. All we need are some finished assets and polishing-up, as well as variants for Genocide and Evacuation Neutral.

In terms of our general progress since last month:

  • Writing -- We've made significant progress with major writing for Koffin Keep's script! Several major scenes still require writing, as well as general flavor text and NPC dialogue.

    • These scenes, and other writing, are currently being implemented in-game.

    • Some unrelated major writing that's been a roadblock for months is finally done, and just needs a shorter genocide / evacuation neutral variant.

    • Some other miscellaneous writing for Stardust Woods has been completed.

  • Artwork -- We've gotten a great deal of needed overworld, environment, and battle assets made!

    • All attack assets for the Dogi and Greater Dog are finished, and require in-game implementation.

    • All solo attack assets for Woodwork are completed, with some implemented in varying stages of completion.

    • Assets needed for an overworld sequence in Stardust Woods have been finished.

    • Most of Koffin Keep is visually complete, with some additional environment assets being needed.

    • Various NPC sprites have been made for Koffin Keep and Starstruck Village.

  • Soundtrack -- We currently have 21 tracks completed out of a planned 29!

    • There's also 4 tracks nearing completion, and 4 others ranging from early concepts to not yet started.

  • Programming -- Aforementioned writing and assets (visual, sound) have been implemented in-game in varying stages of completion. There's also a brand new mechanic we've added, which we'll elaborate on!

    • We've finished implementing an entirely new sequence!

    • We're focusing on getting Koffin Keep functionally complete, and hope to do so within the next 1-2 months. All rooms have been added, and most objectives are complete.

  • Spep Mode -- More small progress has been made! Nothing more to report here.


Here's some quick screenshots of something to expect in Koffin Keep!

Run, Run, Run!

In our previous two devlogs, we've discussed how player feedback inspired us to incorporate new quality of life features within the game -- being two quicker ways of accessing the journal, and the ability to change your name when resetting your SAVE file.

Now, we've added the ability for players to run, similar to DELTARUNE!

When playing through Ruined Home in Demo 2.0, you'll get an item called the "Running Boots" at the start of The City of Old -- this will grant you the ability to run while holding [X].

Although, for anyone who's continuing from their Demo 1.0 SAVE file...


You'll be given the Running Boots by Papyrus! You left them behind, it seems.

So, what's taken us so long to add this feature?

Well, for some context... we'd previously considered adding a run option, and acknowledged players' desire for one--but we were concerned about adding it, since we felt the following problems could arise:

  • Level Design -- since the player can move faster, we'd need to compensate for this by designing levels around it. Individual rooms might need to be larger.

  • Mechanics -- since Stardust Woods has introduced new puzzle mechanics (speed goop and jumping mushrooms), we were concerned that running could interfere with these.

  • Cutscenes -- running could disrupt the pacing for certain sequences, or interfere with certain cutscenes.

As development proceeded with Koffin Keep, we noticed a potential issue. Due to its nature as a self-contained, non-linear area which requires going back and forth, we didn't want players to get annoyed with having to slowly move through the same rooms.

From this, we decided to re-evaluate the idea for the Running Boots! We realized the following:

  • In DELTARUNE, the base movement speed is incredibly slow to compensate for the speed of the running mechanic -- specifically due to puzzles which require running.

  • Since we have the same base movement speed as UNDERTALE, we don't need to make running incredibly fast to compensate for it. Instead, it's more of a little boost for getting around quicker!

  • We shouldn't make it as much of a boost as in DELTARUNE (comparatively, at least), or else we'll encounter a LOT of aforementioned problems (level design, mechanics, cutscenes).

After coming to those realizations, we were able to resolve each of the assumed problems!

  • Level Design -- since our running speed isn't as fast as DELTARUNE's, we don't necessarily need to design rooms around the mechanic.

  • Mechanics -- by ensuring that players can't move beyond a certain speed whilst using speed goop, the running mechanic doesn't interfere with it.

  • Cutscenes -- this wasn't as big of an issue as we thought! We've gone back and made small adjustments to cutscenes in Ruined Home to accommodate for this.

Fun fact: before we came up with the Running Boots (then scrapped them, and then decided to use them again) we actually had an idea for a Skateboard item! This was scrapped due to similar reasons as the running mechanic was, and the specific assets we'd need.

If you're curious, though, here's what this might have looked like! 

(Old sprites by Frigadae)


We hope you guys appreciate this new feature, and the insight we've provided into our thoughts behind it!

Community Spotlight

It's time for this month's Community Spotlight!

We started these back in June 2021 to highlight community fanworks, and fellow fan-projects.

First up, some shout-outs for fellow fan projects!

Undertale Yellow, in celebration of their project's then-upcoming sixth year anniversary, had a brand new announcement to share -- the full game will release NEXT WINTER! Alongside this, they posted a short animated teaser by Figburn, EiiArt, idlkllr, MasterSwordRemix, and Leonvanegmond. Go and check it out, and send them some love!

DELTATRAVELER released their February 2022 Progress Report this month! Go and check that out for some brand new screenshots, music, and general progress updates.

Though, if you're really curious as to what Section 2 is looking like...

... Shayy, an UNDERTALE / DELTARUNE speedrunner and content creator, was given exclusive access to an in-development build! Go and check out his playthrough!


Cetaceaqua created several works for a TS!Underswap Chinese localization showcase at the "Undertale Spring Festival Gala of the Chinese Undertale Fandom!" It includes the following:

  • A piece depicting Crossbones, Papyrus, and Chara wearing a traditional Chinese lion hat (shown above!)

  • An initial draft of the aforementioned piece, which was originally going to have more characters.

  • An animated sequence where Chara kicks off their cowboy hat, and puts on a traditional Chinese lion hat.


RynoGG drew some fanart of Chara! We really liked how their various ARMOR and WEAPON items were shown off here -- look at that pancake flip!


Paintedhen drew some fanart of a hypothetical body for Mettacrit, or "Mettacrit EX!" This was a really interesting take we haven't seen so far, and we really enjoyed it.


MrkySpices created some fanart of Chara walking through Stardust Woods! We really liked the style of this piece, as well as the colors and perspective.

Finally, HarryLTS uploaded the video "Can You Beat TS!UNDERSWAP Without Moving Your SOUL in a FIGHT?" where -- as you probably guessed it -- the name is self-explanatory.

We really enjoyed the editing quality and amount of effort that went into this video, and we highly recommend giving it a watch!

That's everything for now!

We hope you guys enjoyed this month's progress report -- stay tuned for next time!

- Beethovenus and Team Switched




Next up

Progress Report - July 2023

Progress Report - August 2023

TS!UNDERSWAP Demo v2.0.0 Released

Evil creatures that want MY soul.

Progress Report - September 2024

noelle joined

UNDEREVENT 2023 (December 23rd @ 3:30 PM EST)

Progress Report - October 2023

Undertale Icebound: Blossoming bravery.

Dev Update - December 2024