Hey there!
This month's progress report is going to be a bit more short and concise -- just going over our general progress, rather than showcasing more content we deem "not spoiler worthy." We want to make sure we pace ourselves properly with what we're showing publicly, as to not spoil every little minor thing, and to focus more on development.
Generally, we'd go over everything covered in last month's progress report before touching upon this month's progress -- but to conserve time, we're going to ask you go read our April 2022 devlog if you haven't already.
That being said, let's go over everything!
Progress Updates
Our current priorities with development for Starlight Isles have been as follows:
Wrapping up work on major content for Stardust Woods.
Making Koffin Keep fully playable from start to finish.
Beginning preliminary work on Starstruck Village assets and writing.
We're happy to report that each of these are going nicely!
We've just about finished all major content for Stardust Woods. Only an overworld cutscene and battle variant need to be completed.
Koffin Keep is playable from start to finish, with the exception of a certain sequence.
Starstruck Village assets and writing are a work-in-progress.
In terms of our general progress since last month:
Writing -- All major writing for Stardust Woods is complete! There's only some minor route variants, reset dialogue, and various NPC dialogue/interaction flavor text needed.
Writing for Koffin Keep is nearing completion, with only two sequences needing finished writing. Both have a solid outline and require further refinement and script writing.
The transition between Koffin Keep to Starstruck Village is being written.
Artwork -- We've gotten more overworld, environment, and battle assets made!
Assets have been made for several enemy attacks and battle sprites.
Some needed overworld sprites for Koffin Keep have been made.
The first section of Starstruck Village has been given a solid layout, and most overworld and environment assets have been made.
Further sections of Starstruck Village need refinement, although major points of interest are still mostly mapped out.
Soundtrack -- We currently have 24 tracks completed out of a planned 31!
There's also 3 tracks nearing completion, and 2 others ranging from early concepts to not yet started.
Programming -- Various cutscenes for Koffin Keep have been implemented, as well as refinements and expansions to existing content.
Added a new puzzle room in Stardust Woods to better introduce a game mechanic, and have another character moment.
More attacks have been implemented in-game.
Slight in-game work on Starstruck Village content.
Some minor work on Spep Mode.
Community Spotlight
It's time for this month's Community Spotlight!
We started these back in June 2021 to highlight community fanworks, and fellow fan-projects.
First up, a quick shout-out to a fellow fan project, Rupturedtale! This sprite comic takes place following the events of a failed genocide run, and stars an original protagonist -- it has a semi-serious story (with content warnings as appropriate), as well as original characters in addition to returning faces in the aftermath of a broken world.
The creator, Tilemahosbra, recently made a post looking to bring some more people on board! If you're interested, definitely go and check out the project and the application form.
Next, RynoGG's DELTATRAVELER has recently put out their May 2022 Progress Update! If you're interested in learning about how the game's new Hard Mode is almost complete, along with the current progress for v2.00 as a whole, go and give this a read!
Finally, we wanted to highlight a piece of fanart by WildMemester, which depicts their own take on a Crossbones comic book cover! It's been neat seeing people's different interpretations, and we really liked the style of this one.
That's everything for now!
We know this one's a bit shorter than usual, but we wanted to make sure we keep you guys up-to-date with what we're doing -- and not make an unhealthy habit of having every progress report be hyped up, spectacular, or needlessly showing off content.
Stay tuned for next time!
- Beethovenus and Team Switched