UNDERTALE : Average Fangame

2 years ago


(+ some important infos for the future of this game)

It's been a while, hasn't it?

Sorry or the lack of news, I've been taking all of my time for more personal stuff such as school and another thing I'll discuss later on. But for now, let's just talk about the fangame itself 'cause I've got some things to get out off my chest.

So, since it's been almost an entire month I haven't touched the project a single time, it allowed me to have fresh new thoughts about the game's current state. And Imma just say, the game is absolute dogshit atm. Well, to be fair it has some good qualities actually, the storyline is (in my opinion) excellent but it's beyond unclear (like people really thought this was Gaster talking to Kara through Discord), Kara's sprite is flawed, some attacks are lazy, there are grammar mistakes here and there, and most of all Kara just doesn't feel like the cliché "Frans hardcore fangirl UwU" although it was the point of the game.

In case it wasn't clear enough, this game needs improvements. Improvements that I'm starting right after this devlog is posted. But what will be improved in the first place?

  • Sprites will be revamped and have more animations.

  • There will be a much better navigation between menus and the fight itself, people told me it took way too long to restart the fight in the demo and I definitely agree.

  • The storyline will remain unclear ON PURPOSE, because I want to expand it in the future with another project, but I'll talk a bit more about it later.

  • Kara's character will be reworked 'cause right now she's just out of her concept.

  • The lazy attacks will be replaced by new ones and I'll also improve other ones that I want to keep.

  • I'm still looking for a way to fully implement online multiplayer, and by the way to the person who made MoonSharp and did not implement luasocket, let me say that I fucking hate you (no offense tho, MoonSharp's still decent).

Not many have seen this post, and tbh I am pretty happy this is the case. I'll legally be an adult in just a year and I want to take this opportunity to make my own game studio as soon as I can. That means a lot to me, however I can't pay for people to work with me for now, so at the moment I'm pretty much stuck with myself. I mean, for UNDERTALE: Average Fangame it's completely fine, but after that I still have more and more games to make, and all of them will need graphics, osts, sound design, etc etc etc.... For the most part I can do it on my own, but things like musics? Trust me you don't wanna hear what I tried to make on LMMS.

I admit it, I made that post out of panic. I think I'll find someone eventually (and tbh I already have someone on the radar) but what I wanted to say about that is that it won't affect the fangame in any way. I'll keep making it all by myself (except for musics 'cause I suck at making musics for you get me) and that's what matters the most for now.

I think that's all I wanted to say, so to end this devlog have some really bad concept arts I guess


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Next up

Phase 1 demo is out!

The goat of all times if gonna give you a bad time of all times

It's cancelled, no surprise I know

EDIT: it's about hopeless revenge

Spoiling Sans and Papyrus's sprites so people see this game isn't dead

He's animated now

The banner has been updated, just before you go take a look, please know that I had to search "Sans body pillow" on Google Images for this. I want to die.

some various UTY fanart! i'm using my fan redesigns i made a while back. (please don't be so harsh on dalv...) love u UTY!!!

Just so you know, Kara has a crush on both Sans, Asriel and Asgore at the same time. Also in the fangame she will try to kiss Sans in the middle of the fight

Emperor Mateus' sprite is (mostly) done, a gamepage should be up soon!

Soup'd Up - DR: Chapter Rewritten