a Mouse a House & Chaos

5 years ago

Progress report, Today I managed to finish a level, tomorrow a smaller level and boss battle, and the next day a very very big cutscene!....I can only Imagine how many frames thats gonna be :v



Next up

I Don't think I should open the Door. .

after defeating an optional boss or looking around certain areas you'll find a secret floating object, simply walk into it and it'll be saved in the box above

Spikes Evil?!

and he's been stealing treasures from different worlds, trapping people and sending them to the ponyverse :O

Mmmmmmm doesn't Felix's cupcake shop look scrumptious

me and my Brother have been playing a lot of the Wolf's Pizzaria game, so I was inspired to draw him, and the player, and jimmy

Phew. . Lot of Frames >w<

Awwww Poor Guy

Oh no, an evil flower has taken root in Scuttleberry City! we're all DOOMED!