Post-Shift 2
4 years ago

Progress/Update #2

17/01/2020 (January 17th, 2020)

Hey everyone! It's been a little bit since the first update.

I've finally got to the stage of being done with virtually all the character models (I believe this is the most I've made for a fangame of mine so far), which means I can finally begin working on environments/scenes and getting more work done on the game itself. I've already pre-planned a lot of the concepts and ideas I have, so I should have things are a lot more organised on that front.

I have (in a way) started on the game itself as well, although it's still very early in development, mainly just menu screens/gui at this current time. However, I am hoping proper game progress/development will begin around Spring time if not earlier.

There may be one or two more teaser images to come too, but after that, it will likely (or at least hopefully) be the main teaser trailer.

I'm not too certain when the time will come but I do hope somewhat in the near future. There will of course be an announcement on this page for when the trailer is released. Although, the game will still not have a set release date (as mentioned prior).

I've also got some more of the OST done, I'll likely be stopping at "Strange Illusions" on the page for now. However, when I do get closer to the game's release I'll likely being adding the rest of the OST on the page.

That's virtually it for now! I don't want to talk about it too much just yet, but I hope this suffices for the time being. :)

Hope you are all having a good day (or night depending on timezone), as always, thanks for reading and thanks for the awesome support! :D



Next up


Update Log (June 7th, 20)

Nightmare Baldi (yes)

Sequence/Teaser Archive

The New Year

Thanks 2k!

Bandana Dee the Dream Friend

Successful landing


Heya! I wanted to show some gameplay progress i made so far. I hope you like it ^^

What you all think