Project Terminus
5 years ago

Project Terminus Version 1.3 Releasing Today and DLC THIS SPRING !

Version 1.3 will be a huge fix, it was a minor error I made when creating the game. It has come to my attention that some desk buddies don’t appear, they should appear now. I don’t know exactly why they didn’t appear however they should be working now, which means it is now possible to get the good ending. However I don’t think people even made it to the ending so it shouldn’t make too much of a difference, the version 1.3 will be releasing TODAY as soon as it’s ready. All bug fixes are ready however I want to pave the way for the Spring DLC. Here’s a pic of the desk buddies:


Anyways, as I said in the title, there will be DLC this Spring! I’m expecting a Mid-Late April to Early May release for the DLC. It won’t be Custom Night yet, however there will be story and more characters. I will try to put it into the base game of Project Terminus, however if I reach the ram limit and cannot, I will put it as a separate .exe however I’m pretty sure it doesn’t matter to you guys, I’m looking forward to it. Also there’s some end credit teasers if you beat night 5 and get the good ending so I look forward to seeing if you guys get it ;)



Next up

Pokémon Epoch, my brand new big Project (Link in Article):


Happy New Years! 2019 Was an incredible ride, and I look forward to an even better year for 2020! This year's teaser showcases the novel PT Contagion, and the upcoming game, Blight of Winter!

Just a reminder that I haven't forgotten about PTI, it's still in the works :)

Happy New Years ! How I plan to do things going into 2023~

Initially was gonna reveal on March 31st, but I figured Friday would be a better day, see you soon ;)

Project Terminus: Upgraded More Info and Game Page Soon

Y'all ever just get that feeling of unease when going up or down in like an elevator or plane, like you could just drop super fast or whatever ? It's hella weird. Lots of things are weird. Like my wanting to tease stuff but the clips aren't ready yet ;)

I honestly can't help myself.