Shattered Realms: Mortal Tale
7 years ago

Project Update - Polish Update 5.2 Progress

Presently the game is undergoing heavy renovations in area, story, balancing, and graphical manners, and over the past month huge leaps and bounds have been made. It’s still early in the month, and progress blazes throughout the first Chapter.

I still expect the update to take a good while before it is complete and posted to public, but the general timetable is still looking solid. Estimates suggest completion at the end of the month or halfway through the next (March), though it may be possible to complete the update at half of this month, though that is very debatable, don’t hold me to it.

I have been releasing constant updates in response to Michael Grand’s youtube let’s play of SR:MT and all of the issues and bugs he has found. The series has been terrific motivation and creative fuel for keeping this update blazing forward. A huge thanks is in order in that regard.

Here is a list of what has been accomplished thus far in the in progress update:


Main Goals Complete
Ancient Hills Fleshed Out and Expanded
Sacred Valley Finished
Bandit Miniboss implemented
Ancient Forest / Sacred Valley Transit Area
Orc Village Completed
World Scar Area Overhauled
Basic Pass at Hanaru Library

Bugs Fixed
Game Freeze in Iskar/Erideus Scene
Game Bars progression until Companion equips Armor and Weapon
No More Infinite Fish
Erideus Silvea Picture Erased by Day Night
Skywalking in Red Knight’s Realm
Negative Nancy Appears Too Soon
Gardis Conversation Bugged

In Progress Main Goals
Story & Area Polish
Introduction - Largely Complete
Segment 2 - Largely Complete
Segment 3 - In Progress
Segment 4 - Largely Complete
Segment 5 - In Progress
Post Chapter Content - Heavily In Progress
Adding New Cutscenes
Adding/Updating Battlers
A new Balancing Wave is being planned (level curve, monster difficulty, exp gain from monsters, potion drops)



Next up

Latest concept art for the game, featuring Rivia, titled, 'Who I Once Was'!

Game Stream Today I am currently beginning work on the game on stream, hoping to get a few hours into the game today. Come join me!

Bug Fix Version 0.2.1


Unclear where  the Chapter Select Scene actually wants you to go. Made it fairly obvious to avoid confusion. 

Saves should be easily updated with these files so long as you don't overwrite the save folder.

Fiddling with some UI element ideas. Mostly waiting for more progress in terms of game assets, so giving myself things to do.

New designs made today! After some hard work, I’ve gotten a few more designs for the story and game itself complete, have a look below! The polish update continues!

Game Stream Going live with some game artwork! See you there!

Chapter 2 Private Playtest Announcement

Upcoming Emergency Patch Details

General update and where progress is headed

Did you know that today is #InternationalJazzDay? 🎷😎

No? 😯 Well, we couldn't pass up this date!

And what better to celebrate this day than #Pecaminosa #OST? 🎷

Let us know what you think about it and have a great weekend!