Hello everyone! Welcome to the first devlog of this game! I'm very excited to finally show you what we've been cooking on this time, so I hope you all enjoy it. But before We start, I would like to thank you for the support you guys gave us on this project, I would never expect that one of my posts on deviantart had almost 1k views, and that someone would actually be interested to join my team, but welp, here I am. Now, lets start this massive devlog!
Since my last post a lot of things have changed, I got someone else on the team, I started having new ideas for the game and finally started writing the lore document, so dont expect to see the same things that I showed you on the previous posts, but trust me, things have changed to the better.
Art progress
before start talking about the progress on each chapter, i have to show you the new art I made for the game. I am very proud of them, and now people can finally start understanding the fellings i want the game to express
The newest thumbnail of the gamejolt page

I've been cooking this for months, and damn, I am very proud of the result! It may not fit as much as I would like but its still good enough to be posted here.

The first art I made with my new style. This will be used on the soundcloud page (when a musician decides to apply to the team). The second one is the alt. because i could decide which was better.
Scrapped art content
On this time I had a lot of ideas of headers, art posts and even thumbnails, take a look at them!
*Falling in the abyss

Even if I love this art a lot it didnt fit as a thumbnail because it was too dark, but It will still be used on the soundcloud page (i guess)
Hella old concept

This one is just a concept of a snowdin encounter miss animation, later I wanted to finish it and make it a teaser, and then i just gave up and scrapped it (wasted 5 minutes of my life)
Chapter 1
You heard it right! I finally decided to lock in and start working on chapter 1! (I didnt had much progress tho)
First of all I decided to start working on the document, but since I didnt know what to do with chapter 1 I only have 1 paragraph of it done, but dont worry, I am starting to have more ideas and soon I may even start working on it!
Flowey encounter
As for flowey encounter, the spritesheet is 80% finished and I finally finished the background of the fight that was showed on the previous post, take a look.

Flowey finally had enough of you and will no longer exitate on killing you this time, so you better be ready, cause this little flower might be a pain in the ass!
*we're gonna have so much fun together!

Chapter 2
Speaking of chapter 2, I had a lot of fun working on it, and when I like doing something I do it for a looong time, which means a lot of progress for it!
*writing revamp
since I started writing the document, I noticed my old ideas werent as good as I thought, so I had to chance a LOT of things to finally feel proud with the result. I dont really want to spoil it but here's a sneak peek:

*sprite updates
Just like the writting, the sprites started annoying me so much I decided to completely remade them, so now I can finally show you the old ones and the new aswell.
sans overworld sprites

they were changed to fit the new battle sprites and sans anatomy in general, even if I wont use them a lot, I still think it was needed to be as good as possible.
scrapped sans battle sprite

Do I have to say anything? Look at that, how could this fit in a game? If somehow you want to use them, just credit me and tell me here or dm me on discord (@thui_rox ), but if you are annoyed like me, feel free to bully him!
Sans . . ?

This will most likelly be the thumbnail of the sans theme on soundcloud (as if I had one lmao)
Sans encounter
What? you thought this was all I've got? nah, I couldn't end this devlog without showing you a preview of the best encounter on the game (yet)

This sprite is not final, but most likelly will only receive small fixes. If its not clear this is just a mockup and you souldn't be worried about the font and the box
Overworld teaser
and for last but not least, here's a concept of the overworld section pre-sans fight!

(everything except for the dialogue box and sans and frisk sprites were made by toby fox and poorly recreated in aseprite)
Coding progress!
Yeah! remember when I said I had someone else on the team? so.. this person is currently working on an engine and once its done it will be used on the game, which means the game will start its development soon (i hope)
We need you!

If all I showed has got your interest, I want YOU to aplly to the team and help me to make this project become a full ass game. we are currently looking for overworld spriters, writters and musicians, just contact me on dm and show a bit of your work, and you may be part of the team.
It was one hell of a devlog, right? I hope you enjoyed what I showed you, and feel free to tell me on the coments what do you want to see on the game. See you on the flipside!