25 days ago

Python (Ignore the watermark, it was the only way I could get this video to finally upload on to here)

Been learning how to do actual coding (You know, like striped coding), first started doing JavaScript, but then I shifted to python. Here's probably the most complex coding I've done so far. Maybe someday I'll start making actual games like how RilzLaFFy shifted from doing crappy scratch projects, to making real games using actual code. If you would want to use that as a comparison.

Here is the whole lay out code

			#this is a quiz about Vitas Carnis

answer1 = "a" or "A"
answer2 = "d" or "D"
answer3 = "c" or "C"

print("Multiple-Choice Quiz Game")

question_1 = "1. When did the Vitas Carnis first show up on earth? \n a)Around the 1930s \n b)The mid 1950s \n c)The Late 1980s \n d)The early 2000s"

question_2 = "2. What are Vitas Carnis? \n a)A rebel group from russia \n b)A species of alien life forms on UFOs \n c)A type of Insect \n d)A species of Meaty Skinless Creatures"

question_3 = "3. How many monoliths are there in Vitas Carnis? \n a)10 \n b)25 \n c)7 \n d)There is no real count of how many there are"

score = 0

#ask the first question
user_answer = input(question_1 + "\n" + "Answer: ")
if user_answer == answer1:
    score = score + 1

#ask the second question
user_answer = input(question_2 + "\n" + "Answer: ")
if user_answer == answer2:
    score = score + 1

#ask the third question
user_answer = input(question_3 + "\n" + "Answer: ")
if user_answer == answer3:
    score = score + 1


#print the final score
print("Final Score:")

if score == 3:
    print("You got all the answers correct, good job!")
if score == 2:
    print("You got 2 out of 3 of the questions correct, you tried.")
if score == 0: 
    print("You got all the questions incorrect.... tsk tsk tsk....")
if score == 1:
    print("You got 1 out of 3 of the question correct, you tried.")



Next up

I kind of feel like the whole "Chapter" label thing is getting pretty over-used. It's like, almost every indie horror these days have that label in there name cause there trying to make there own lil game series that's in individual parts like chapter.

Been quite busy lately, working on this game, this games art, writing and developing a story for the game.... and strolling through the inter-web doing stuff but developing the game. I've been quite lazy as well. Haven't really gotten as much done lately.

Going on a game development grind today, cause of the huge amount of free time I'll now have to myself I can start working on the game more and also give more updates to it's development. I'd probably start expecting some new updates in the next few days.

Splat the Cat -------------------------- (The character is @SplatTheCat) After this, you don't know the amount respect i have for Outline-less artists, they can do things i can't lol.

Quick Question: How Scary do you want this game to be?

SUPER SCUFFLE!!!! ------------------------------------ i wasted way too much time on this, but after like a week (mostly me doing other stuff) its done.

New Thumbnail for the Gamepage

(Pinned to my profile)

My Discord: @rawrationwrath

Best math teacher!!! ----------------------------------- so miss circle won the poll, really in love with how this turned out tbh!

(character comes from the youtube series "Fundamental paper education")

The First ever Soundtrack for the game has been added to the Windows game page. Head over to the game page to go check it out & take a listen to it. Then please give me your feedback, it'll very appreciated.