Windows | Part 1

9 days ago

The First ever Soundtrack for the game has been added to the Windows game page. Head over to the game page to go check it out & take a listen to it. Then please give me your feedback, it'll very appreciated.



Next up

Been quite busy lately, working on this game, this games art, writing and developing a story for the game.... and strolling through the inter-web doing stuff but developing the game. I've been quite lazy as well. Haven't really gotten as much done lately.

My Games Hot-Takes #4

This game is really dark..... literally. Godzilla 2014 & basically any of the mid 2010s DC movies got nothing on me. About to break most records with this one.

Going on a game development grind today, cause of the huge amount of free time I'll now have to myself I can start working on the game more and also give more updates to it's development. I'd probably start expecting some new updates in the next few days.

I have composed this song!! What do you think?

Also by the way, for those who have been wondering.

No, I'm not gonna be doing the comic for Windows. It was an idea that I had when I was going back into art & all that shit. But I've lost my hope in all that. It just isn't for me, sorry.

I made this song in honor of my recently dead cat. I composed it while I was crying with a lot of inner anxiety. The song is called "Lorca", which was the name of my poor kitten. I hope you like it...

Anyone that says or thinks that this old original MXES design is a terrible design is getting an instant block from me on all socials that I know you from. No questions or anything. Just Blocked.

Anyways, I got some news to announce tomorrow, so yea.....

New Thumbnail for the Gamepage

I have made this song quite sad... What do you think of it?

Python (Ignore the watermark, it was the only way I could get this video to finally upload on to here)