Hello! How are you? I have been adding a ton of stuff to Stellar Stars in the last month and I am happy to say that you can now download the latest update of Stellar Stars that was just uploaded today!
In this new update (v0.140a), you can find many new additions to the game such as a new and improved jumping animation!
You can also now easily create and save character builds to prepare for your multiplayer match!
And did I mention that all of the game’s soundtracks has been recomposed by the talented Bibiki?
In addition to the new jumping animation, did you notice the newly added sound effects?
Besides everything that I have just mentioned, getting into multiplayer matches has become easier with the new Quick Matches!
Think of Quick Matches as a way of finding 3 other players quickly so that you can play against them in an online multiplayer match!
Once they have been found, the game automatically loads the multiplayer game room. This is where you can choose your preferred character and the character build that you want for this match.
After you have chosen both your preferred character and character build, click on the green “Ready Up” button! Once everyone has done that, the game will automatically start the match.
Moving on, another new addition to the game is the post match scoreboard!
This scoreboard provides you with information such as the number of player kills you have, the number of times you have died and the number of stars you have collected. And if you came out of the match victorious, you get a trophy next to your name!
So what do you think of the new additions to Stellar Stars? For a list of all the new stuff, changes and bug fixes, grab the demo now!
And lastly, sign up for the newsletter to be the 1st to know when Stellar Stars is released! Cheers!