Condemned Circuitry : Fright

5 years ago

Quick poster. Also thanks for the 38 followers in under 2 days! That's as many followers as my first game got in 2 months....hopefully it's a sign that i'm getting better at creating.



Next up

over 50 followers?!? Jeez, never expected that on any game. Thanks for the support everyone :D

50 Followers! Thanks everyone for the continued support, I will be sure not to disappoint with ESR and CCF.

Alright so I finally got Photoshop to start working. Expect better posters and the game looking better.

I've got all the in-game shots for the first level. Now its just programming. (Also this game will soon become my most followed game :D)

The Five Nights At Freddy's Fan Game, "Ending Sights", Demo has been released! Expect a full version in a week or two. Expect more posters, some BTS, and a unlockable extras menu!

Have a good Boi

Updated the chest in the maze, adding sound, particles and better animation. But what's in the chest?

Just a Pico sprite

Alone Together....

brung back my old oc plus a new one

...they don`t have names yet tho