Todays the day I get half that chemical stuff I need!
(and next Monday I take the day long psychological exam to be approved for the estrogen)
I am so excited, but I don't have time to make comics this morning
(you'll have to wait till after I get my precious antiandrogens :P)
If anyone here is worried for me, don't be!
If anyone here is worried I'm jump(y)ing into this too fast, I'm not!
I've been through a year a and a half of therapy and and a dozen doctor appointments.
I know who I am!
Anyways.. I'll return later, better, stronger (well technically I'll be physically weaker but), happier and with having been softened up for the woman-ification pills by having my brain ignore testosterone!
Sincerely: (and I appreciate you all) The Person You Know as "PrincessDoit"