A&E basically said that the actual cuts themselves are superficial, but the damage on my eye itself is pretty bloody (literally) painful and somewhat severe. My orbit is swollen atm, and my pupil is for some reason like split??? Idk what the fuck happened with that, but yeah. They got about 5-6 shards of glass out my eyelid, but said they could see more on my actual eye.
Blinking hurts like a bitch (no shit), but other than that (and the fact that my vision in that eye is blurry) it's not that bad. The cuts are more like cat scratches in depth apparently. I dunno if this makes sense, I'm finding it pretty hard to form any coherent words, since I'm on a shit load of pain meds atm, along with some more of my epilepsy meds.
But yeah, short story, I should be okay, and worse case scenario I have to go under for them to remove shards, but they should come out naturally, if not painfully. (I.e. blinking, eyewatering, etc.)
Should be discharged by tonight. Will update if anything more happens. To add, with the red 'censoring' randomly over any part of my body is mainly because I'm hiding scarring, since seeing scars can trigger some people (I.e. SH scars.)