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It is an axe-wielding gnome with a long beard and pointed hat. It attacks and terrorizes park visitors who pass too close to its lair.
Beware the Bugs! These thugs that infest the park are much bigger and annoying than normal insects, they should be crushed as they deserve, this is the Pork will.
In Eden Park no one can hear you scream.
Follow us on the game page! https://gamejolt.com/games/ChildrenofthePork/902391
Not all adults are enemies in Children of the Pork. Uncle Hobo and his assistant pigeons are crucial allies for Sal and his friends.
New enemy joins the old dude in trying to slaughter Sal and friends. This lady is very mad at kids. Will the Pork protect us from those crazy adults? Follow Children of the Pork for more crazy stuff like this. The first playable version is coming soon.
Sal is not alone in his holy mission, but he has a group of great friends ready to fight for him and to carry out Peppo Pork will. They are Good Boi, Rainbow and Captain Rib!
Which one do you like and would like to play? Let us know in the comments!
Thanks to Facebook page Anti-Pitbull Memes for Mauled Teens for share our work, the will of Peppo Pork is spredding!
That pitbull is named Cupcake, cannot be dangerous right? But that life bar happered in the bottom of screen is not a good sign. Will be Sal ready for this boss battle? Follow Children of The Pork for discover it.
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