Hey hunters! Got another small update for the Radio Horror Show demo. As always, let me know if you encounter any issues.
- Added clarifying text in the tutorial hints telling how to toggle the flashlight.
- Lavender Spirits now take slightly longer between teleports.
- Spirit movement speed now increases based on difficulty.
- Score no longer ticks down from the passive psyche damage taken from the light being turned off.
- Adjusted the base movement speeds of Blue and Red spirits.
- Adjusted Plasm and Mirage to be slightly less aggressive in Hard mode.
- Fixed the skip death scene button(s) re-triggering the most recent score screen if used in the main menu.
- Fixed Void's labyrinth resetting its aggression improperly while the secret mode is active.
- Fixed screen flash transitions always ending instantaneously instead of properly fading in.
- Fixed the "Battery Bonus" text reappearing when getting a score that isn't your highest.