6 months ago

Random little oc facts

The reason that Marcy has light red skin and Delilah has red skin isn’t cause they are demons (far from it, they are not demons) but cause Kokoro skin change color as they get older, when they are 1-12 years old their skin is pink, 13-18 light red, 19-28 red, 29-39 dark red. Once they turn 40 their skin color changes to a reddish purple, and their horns fall out the same way that human baby teeth do.




Next up

Art dump (4th image is my friends oc)

He’s not coming back.

Made a new oc for a series called Loonie pop, name ideas?

Art for @artist_of_dreamsss

Love to draw your dyno, it was funny :3

Blocked list

Finished Hectors ref sheet for ArtFight ‼️🙏 Still gotta rewrite his information... 😭THE SERVERS ARE DOWWNNNAJWJ SOBS

Aran (and also repost)

Go easy on her, it's her first day here ☕✨✨

Matching with my lovely sweetheart @Renbatch