Raťafák: The Abandonware Keepsake
1 year ago

Raťafák 2: Later Game's Development Update (What will be next? — Cancellation?)

Hello there, Jakub here.
I know this game page has been really quiet for long while.
I just want to assure a few things for this game project – Raťafák 2: Later.

Recently, in our team we have had a minor drama, for lack of better term; it was about Fill's involvement in this project. Fill was partly involved in the development of the game and did the least for the whole project. Fill was meant to be "the game's director", but as we, I and other members of dev team, continued in the development, we have got a long-term complaints about Fill – he has done basically nothing...

I (@JakubovBrloh ) with the help of Dogeris (@WafflovyDogeris ), had created a script/story for R2L, in which Fill wasn't involved in it at all, he just nodded to it – he haven't got a clear vision for it, so I and Dogeris created the story and its elements.
Star (@Starbruhz ) wanted to work on R2L but he couldn't find a time for the development because of his personal things and his own game project – Five Night at Gamejolt (which you should follow, btw).

So... now, what?
Is the game going to be cancelled? No, it won't be; the game will be still in the development but more like, under new management.

Fill is just going to be involved in some (quite) minor additions to game's development.

Have a good day and happy New Year.

Zdravím, tu Jakub. Viem, že táto stránka hry je už dlhý čas naozaj ticho. Chcel by som len uistiť niekoľko vecí pre tento herný projekt – Raťafák 2: Later.

Nedávno sme mali v našom tíme menšiu drámu, laicky povedané; týkala sa to Fillovej účasti v tomto projekte. Fill sa čiastočne podieľal vo vývoji hry a na celom projekte sa podieľal najmenej. Fill mal byť "režisérom hry", ale ako sme, ja i ostatní členovia tímu, pokračovali vo vývoji, mali sme dlhodobé sťažnosti na Filla – v podstate nespravil nič...

Ja (@JakubovBrloh ) s Dogerisovou pomocou (@WafflovyDogeris ) sme vytvorili scenár/príbeh pre R2L (nejaký čas dozadu), na ktorom sa Fill vôbec nepodieľal, len naň prikývol - nemal pre to jasnú víziu, takže ja s Dogeom sme vytvorili príbeh a jeho prvky.
Star (@Starbruhz ) chcel na hre pracovať, no nevedel si nájsť čas na vývoj kvôli svojim osobným problémom a vlastnému hernému projektu - Five Night at Gamejolt (ktorý by ste rozhodne mali sledovať, btw).

Takže... teraz čo?
Bude hra zrušená? Nie, nebude; hra bude stále vo vývoji, ale skôr pod novým vedením.

Fill sa bude podieľať len na niektorých (kvázi) drobných prídavkoch k vývoju hry.

Prajem vám pekný deň a šťastný Nový rok.

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Next up

About collaborations... (Please read it.) - (Explanation this in image 'cuz GameJolt can't post smth with a bunch of text...)

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